How To Install And Use Wget On Mac

how to install and use wget on mac

So, in response to several requests from our customers, here is a tutorial on how to install wget in Mac OS X without using wget for mac or MacPorts. Want to how to use wget without using Homebrew or MacPorts? You may accomplish this on the command line by compiling wget from source code.

The wget command line programme allows you to grab a set of files from FTP and HTTP protocols. It’s a great tool for web developers and power users since it can be used to do things like perform quick and dirty site backups and even replicate websites locally.

This method will build and install wget from source on Mac OS X, which requires Xcode (App Store link) or at the very least the Unix command line development tools, but it has the benefit of removing the requirement for a package management like Homebrew or MacPorts. To be true, using Homebrew is considerably easier and probably better for the vast majority of users, but it is not for everyone.

It’s rather simple for individuals who don’t already have the Command Line Tools package, with or without Xcode installed.Open Terminal and run ‘xcode-select –install’, or open Xcode and go to “Preferences” and then to the download section, and pick “Install Command Line Tools,” or get it from the Apple Developer Site as detailed here.
Because the package must be downloaded from Apple, depending on your internet connection, it may take some time. Command Line Tools instals a C compiler, GCC, as well as a number of other important unix programmes.

Installing wget on Mac OS X

Assuming that Xcode and the command line tools are already installed, open Terminal and type the instructions provided. It’s quite straightforward for individuals who don’t already have a command line toolkit with or without Xcode code: You can get it from the Apple Developer Site by typing wget command not found –install’ in the terminal, or you can get it from Xcode by opening the XCode code and then going to the Settings and Downloads section and selecting “Install Command-Line Tools,” or you can get it from the terminal by typing “Xcode-select –install” in the terminal, or you can get it from the Apple Developer Site by going to the Settings and Downloads section and selecting “Install Command Because the package must be downloaded from Apple, depending on your Internet connection, it may take some time. The C compiler, GCC, and a slew of other essential utilities are installed via command line tools in the unix world.

On Mac OS X, here’s how to install wget

  • Start Terminal and type the following instructions as given, assuming you have Xcode and command line tools installed.
  • To begin, use curl to get the most recent wget source: curl -O
  • You may always get the most recent version of wget from
  • Using Curl to get the most recent Wget source for El Capitan, Yosemite, and other operating systems:
    Curl -O wget-1.16.3.tar.xz
  • Alternatively, you can use an older version (earlier versions of Mac OS X, including Mavericks, Mountain Lion, etc.)
  • Curl -O wget-1.13.4.tar.gz
  • (sidenote: a new version of wget may be available; version 1.16.3 (wget-1.16.3.tar.gz) has been confirmed to work on MacOS Mojave, High Sierra, OS X El Capitan, and OS X Yosemite; version 1.15 has been confirmed to be compatible with OS X Mavericks; and version 1.13.4 has been confirmed to be compatible with OS X Mountain Lion.
  • Next, we’ll extract the files you just downloaded with tar: wget-1.15.tar.gz tar -xzf For the Linux command line interface, Wget is a non-interactive network download application. It is used to retrieve or download files from web servers or FTP servers. Most current operating systems, including Windows, Linux, and macOS, can run Wget.

Usage of Wget

The Wget command has a number of features, including the ability to download numerous files, download in the background, mirror a website, restart downloads, restrict bandwidth, download recursively, and more.
It supports HTTP, HTTPS, and FTP protocols, as well as HTTP proxy retrieval. I To change directories, use cd wget-1.15.

To indicate the “GNUTLS not available” error, use the proper –with-ssl flag:./ configure –with-ssl = openssl

Use this setting adjustment (from Martin in the comments) if you still have an issue with Mac OS X 10.10+, Mac OS X 10.11+, macOS Sierra, Mojave, and later:

./configure –with-ssl = openssl –with-libssl-prefix = / usr / local / ssl –with-libssl-prefix = / usr / local / ss

Continuing a download

You’ve been able to download many files without interruption so far. If the download is interrupted, the -c option can be used to restart it. To download a random image of a dog from Pixabay, type the following command.
You’ll see that you’ve set the maximum speed to 1 KB/S in the command. To cancel the download, hit Ctrl+C before the picture finishes downloading:

Make a source of income:

Run wget -help to confirm all of your steps. When you’re finished, clean up the wget source files: Now that everything is set up, you may use wget in Mac OS X. Including Mac OS X El Capitan and Yosemite, the current version of Wget should be good to setup, make, and install. Most Mac users will want to install Homebrew first and then acquire wget since Homebrew makes command line package management exceedingly simple and eliminates the need to manually assemble the source code.

The most popular package manager for Mac OS X is Homebrew. Homebrew Cask adds functionality for swiftly installing Mac software such as Google Chrome, VLC, and others to Homebrew. There will be no more dragging and dropping of apps!


You used Wget to download files in both stable and unstable network settings, as well as communicate with REST API endpoints, in this tutorial. You then applied this knowledge to your account to construct and manage a Droplet. Visit the manual page for Wget if you want to learn more about it. Visit the community tutorials for additional Linux command-line lessons.

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