Сlosed Vacancies with No Effort: The Secret of Successful Recruiting

Recruiting — is an exhausting carousel of useless searches. But only for those who prefer traditional ways, and are not open to new methods of attracting. They spend hours to hours making unanswered calls, scrolling LinkedIn profiles, and writing letters, which will never be read.

Progressive recruiters have already outperformed their competitors and set up a flow of responses to a vacancy by using automation SMS-delivering service. What did they gain from it? The most important things for successful recruiting:

  • Speed
  • Wide coverage of candidates
  • Saving resources

The result of the campaign depends on the choice of the communication channel. Let’s figure out which one will be the most productive for a job seeking.

SMS in recruiting — new perspective or excess of the past?

The method of attraction should match your audience, and 58% of job seekers are millennials. People between 25-40, who are quite selective in the information they receive and are always busy for calls. 75% of them prefer texting, ignoring even close friends and relatives.

To reach out to such employees — don’t waste their time and immediately show a specific offer with a significant benefit. Among all the ways to contact applicants, in 2022 SMS is the most effective, and that’s why:

  • send messages to dozens of candidates at the same time;
  • have a 98% open rate and increased level of responses;
  • take all the contacts in one place, integrating with CRM;
  • make staffing easier both for the recruiter and applicants.

Why calling an applicant is not always a good idea?

Of course, direct conversation with a person provides more trust, because a person feels a special attitude towards himself and definitely will remember you.  But it’s only if he picks up the phone, and this will be the right moment for the right perception. Calls distract from business, it’s annoying and a conversation takes a person by surprise.

In that case, a short concrete massage will definitely hit the target. The applicant will read your SMS with the job proposal for sure, but at his convenience, and will have time to think about it. Of course, the choice of a candidate is not possible without a personal conversation. But for first touch, it is pointless to waste time on calls when there are automatic SMS sendings.

SMS or emails?

The email response rate is 28% lower than SMS. People simply do not see your letters among dozens of others. Mailboxes are more and more carefully filtered for spam, which is why your letter may get lost in some of the folders when sorting. Even if not, the chance that the letter will be read is still small, because people check their mail several times a day, and some even not every day. Whereas SMS appears on the smartphone screen, immediately attracting the attention of the candidate.

Moreover, а person can read your letter only if the Internet is available. Unlike SMS, which are delivered even when the subscriber is offline. This means that he will be able to read your offer anywhere immediately.

Let’s face it, the time for mailing lists is over. While SMS is today the fastest way to attract a job seeker.

Find job candidates in one click

In 2022 you don’t need to make pointless calls and attack mailboxes to find a talented worker. All you need — is the list of your candidate’s phone numbers and one click. Use templates in SMS to recruit and increase the number of responses. Operate with all conversations in one place and save the information not to forget about meetings and special details.

Send messages automatically and get on with more important tasks. Your future employee will come to you while letters from other recruiters will never be opened.

How’s Recruitment SMS work?

  1. Firstly, you need to collect a database of candidates’ phone numbers.
  2. Then upload it to the system, and write a prepared offer and other answers for the conversation.
  3. A recruiter can literally pre-built messaging campaigns with candidates, preparing answers for popular questions. The system will be automatically sending the right replica to the responder until the agreement.
  4.  Start sending SMS with one click and wait for the flow of future employees.

If you already have a CRM, it could be easily integrated. But if you don’t, the system will automatically create a database of candidates for you. At the end of the campaign, you’ll receive a sorted database with a saved communication history. This helps to find the perfect match of the employee and your position, and filter from those, who are not interested.

Besides looking for candidates, the recruiter also could set up automatic SMS sending of interview invitations and reminders.

  • Reply and continue the conversation with templates
  • Schedule interviews using calendar and filter leads
  • Generate a structured database of candidates with a history of your communication
  • Get in touch with passive candidates
  • Form a positive image of the company as one that uses new technologies

All of these help to take your company’s recruiting to the highest level: only hire talented workers and quickly close all positions.

Try recruiting text messages to be one step ahead of your colleagues.

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