Need to Know Home Organization Tips After Moving

Now that the move is behind you — literally speaking — you’re in a place to begin a brand new life full of exciting opportunities and friendships. And you may already be daydreaming about visiting the local eateries, shopping venues, and entertainment hubs. But before you rush out the door to explore all your new town or city has to offer, you’ll be wise to get everything in order and settled from the start.

Here’s how to get your home organized after a move:

Organize Before the Move

Yes, you read that right and it’s advice that will make settling into your new home less hectic. Weeks before your big day, make a moving out checklist and prioritize packing first. Start purging your closets, the garage, and the outdoor shed. Why pack anything that you won’t be using in your new home or anything that isn’t useful right now? Get rid of it by either having a garage sale or donating it to charity. Some local charities offer a pick-up service that eliminates your need to load and haul your unwanted items. You saved that time and worry, so now back to packing!

Set Up Utilities

Mark this as the number one priority on your moving out checklist. Setting up your utilities will have to be done pronto if you haven’t already made arrangements beforehand. And don’t delay in setting up internet service. In today’s world, we all know how debilitating life can be without an internet connection. Make sure to centralize your router for optimum signal reach and don’t block the router’s location with heavy furniture or other objects. It’s also a good idea to change your name and password at your new home for added protection. And if areas of your home aren’t getting the best signal, consider Wifi extenders.

Deep Clean First

Before you start arranging the pictures on the wall or placing the new rugs on the floor, you’ll probably want to give your new place a good cleaning. If you moved into a spit-shine abode, that’s a welcome relief but a little extra cleaning will probably remove those traces of dirt that landed on the floor while the movers were hauling boxes in. Also, you’ll be putting your own special touch on your home when you use your favorite scents and cleansers in the new place. Keeping things tidy as you unpack will also cut down on clutter and will help you get organized fast.

Unpack One Room at a Time

Don’t let yourself get overwhelmed by all the boxes sitting around on the floor. Take a deep breath, smile and consider this is a home decorating project. Indeed, it is! The only difference is that you’ll be using the decor and furniture you currently have to make a new home warm and cozy with your personal imprint. Unpack one room at a time — better start in the kitchen first — as you set things up just like you want them. You’ll feel a bigger sense of accomplishment as you tackle each task and you’ll also make finding things easier as you go.

Take Time to Do It Right

Relax as you mark items off your to-do list. Consider the aforementioned tips for items you need to prioritize. Make sure you’ve tackled the important tasks first such as setting up utilities, deep cleaning, and don’t forget to make your bed. You’ll want a welcoming, cozy place to fall when it’s time to get some sleep. When morning comes, you’ll be ready to finalize your last organizing tasks before hitting the town!

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