G1 Test Ontario Review: 25 Best Safe Driving Habits And Rules

g1 test

When will you receive your G1? Are you the parent of a teenager who will soon turn 16 and obtain their Ontario driver’s license? Preparing for and passing the written knowledge test is the first stage. Everything you need to know about composing and preparing for the G1 Test in Ontario will be covered in this Article. The knowledge evaluation, prerequisites, fees, and solutions to frequently asked issues are all covered.

What Is G1 Test?

You must pass the G1 test in order to receive your G1 license. The G1 test in Ontario is a written test that tests candidates’ understanding of the province’s traffic signs and driving regulations. You must pass the first of three exams to complete the graduated licensing system. You will just need to pass this one written test. The latter two tests are inside-the-vehicle road tests.

G1 Test Rules And Requirements

Did you know that in order to obtain your G1 driver’s license, you must fulfill three requirements? This comprises:

  • age of sixteen or older.
  • pass the eye test.
  • pass a written test covering traffic signs and the laws of the road in Ontario.

You will get your G1 license once you fulfill these G1 criteria. You have a number of driving restrictions since you are a new driver.

How Many Questions Are On The G1 Test?

The G1 test consists of 40 multiple-choice questions and may be finished in 20 to 30 minutes. There are two sections that you must complete. These consist of:

  • the law of the road (20 questions)
  • road markers (20 questions)

To pass the written knowledge test, you must properly answer at least 16 questions in each segment. You must get a minimum overall score of 80%.

The Ontario Driver’s Handbook is where the questions and answers are found. This book contains all the knowledge you need to pass.

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More About G1 Written Test

  • The test is created by the Ministry of Transportation (MTO).
  • No time limit applies.
  • It can be completed on paper or a computer (at some locations).
  • It’s accessible in 24 more languages in addition to English and French.
  • The grade will be given right away.
  • It is offered in every DriveTest site.

G1 Practice Test And How To Prepare?

The information in the official driver’s handbook is the source of every question on the G1 test. Learn everything there is to know about the manual. You should read it several times until you are certain that you understand the principles, guidelines, and indicators.

G1 practice test are a useful tool for evaluating your knowledge before the examination. Online practice exams for the Ontario G1 are available for free on a number of websites.

How To Book G1 Test

For your G1 test, you don’t need to make an appointment in advance. However, you should be on time and allow enough of time to complete the exam. You might have to wait in line to take it, depending on how crowded it is. Additionally, you’ll need to pass an eye test, present identification, and pay the required expenses.

Where To Take G1 License Test?

Depending on where you reside, you should go to the G1 test center. Your neighborhood DriveTest Center is where you may take the written G1 test. To write your exam, you don’t need to make an appointment. However, you should be on time and allow enough of time to complete the exam.

What Do I Need To Bring To Do G1 Test?

Make sure you have correct identification before you go write your exam. You must bring the following to complete the G1 assessment:

Valid birth certificates, passports, citizenship documentation, or permanent or temporary immigration documents are acceptable forms of identity. All documents must be originals with your signature, not copies.

Payment options include debit or credit cards.

Bring your prescription glasses or contact lenses, since you will be having an eye examination.

You could want additional identification documentation if the documents you give lack certain necessary details, including your maiden name. A marriage certificate or a health card might be used as a workaround for this issue to meet the signature requirement.


With a learners permit, you won’t be driving alone and will always have an insured driver with you, therefore a G1 driver in Ontario does not require their own auto insurance.

Where Can I Get The G1 HandBook

Purchasing the ministry-approved G1 guidebook is strongly advised to reduce stress and prepare you for the exam. Numerous restrictions and signage intimidate many people. This time is intended to help you get more comfortable reading traffic signs and interacting with other drivers on the road, not merely to help you pass the exam.

The G1 test book is available in several places:

  • DriveTest facility
  • service center for Ontario
  • Local retail stores
  • Online Driver’s Handbook
  • The official manual will set you back $16.

How Much Is The G1 Test?

Cost of the G1 test is $159.75. The Class G1 licensing bundle includes the cost. Your written test and in-car driving evaluation to obtain your G2 license are covered by the cost.

What If I Fail My G1 Written Test

New drivers frequently fail the G1 written test on their first try. In Ontario, failure rates vary from 50 to 70 percent. Don’t worry, however. You can retake the G1 knowledge test if you fail it. The price for a G1 license retake is $16.00.

Your outcomes are good for a year. It’s beneficial to repeat the test within this window of time. The only portions you will need to rewrite are the ones you failed. You will need to retake the full test if you delay more than a year. A G1 license is good for 12 months.

7 Tips To Pass the G1 Knowledge Test


Follow these recommendations to make sure you are well-prepared for your forthcoming test:

Research and then some more: Allocate enough time for you to read the manual thoroughly.

Take practice exams: It’s true that practice makes perfect. To answer as many different sorts of questions as you can, take a range of practice exams.

Ensure that you are prepared: Hold off until you are assured and prepared. Take it at your leisure.

Rest up: The night before, be sure you get a decent night’s sleep.

Never rush: Allow yourself ample time to finish the test. Each segment will be finished in around 30 minutes.

Examine the questions thoroughly: Examine each question thoroughly. Continue to the next question and return back if you are unsure about an answer. Before you submit it in to be graded, double-check your answers.

It’s not make-or-break: so just keep in mind that you may try again. Therefore, try not to overburden oneself.

25 Best Safe Driving Habits And Rules

G1 test

#1. Don’t tailgate

We’ll begin with a simple example for G1 test. Too few drivers allow enough space between vehicles. Would you have enough time to stop if the driver in front of you slammed on the brakes? If not, you’re approaching too closely. Try to allow three seconds between your automobile and the one in front of you as a general guideline. Leave four or five seconds of distance if the weather is bad, such as when there is water, ice, or snow on the road. You have more time to respond the more room you leave.

#2. Look Into Your Blind Spots

Failure to examine one’s blind zones by drivers frequently results in accidents. When changing lanes, many motorists forget to shoulder check, which increases your risk of hitting someone who is in your blind zone. Other drivers mistakenly believe they are shoulder checking appropriately. Some motorists, for instance, cast a quick glance backwards without taking in any visual information. As they go halfway into the other lane, other motorists check each other’s shoulders.

#3. Stay out of other drivers’ blind spots when driving

The most crucial defensive driving principle to pass in G1 test is to assume that every other motorist is inexperienced and foolish. Because of this, you should avoid driving in other people’s blind spots. Assume they won’t check their blind spots and move into your lane abruptly. Make sure you’re not in their driver’s blind zone to the right or left of their back bumper if you must travel in the lane next to them.

#4. Place Mirrors Properly

When you are aware of the environment surrounding your car, driving safely is considerably simpler. Place your mirrors properly. Place your side mirrors where you can see the most of the road (with your car just on the edge of the mirror or out of frame). Likewise, you should be able to see as much of the road behind your car in the rearview mirror. Clean up your mirrors.

#5. Avoid road rage and exercise emotional restraint

Road anger is a common cause of accidents. Everyone becomes irate when driving. However, road rage greatly increases the hazard level for all parties involved. Losing your temper won’t make the situation different. A motorist may have overtaken you or failed to signal appropriately. Don’t make a tiny irritation into a potentially fatal circumstance. Report the driver to the police if they believe they are driving recklessly.

#6. Turn signalize

The likelihood of an accident is greatly decreased when other vehicles are aware of your intended route. Many motorists misuse their turn signals. On motorways, for instance, some drivers switch lanes without using their turn signals. Others just overlook using turn signals. Some people utilize turn signals too late, turning them on only as they are about to make the turn. Regardless of the circumstance, employing turn signals is a simple method to keep everyone in your vicinity safe. Use turn signals to make your motions visible to other drivers because no one can read your mind.

#7. Understanding Four-Way Stop Behavior

Four-way stops frequently result in incidents because vehicles are unsure about what to do. At a junction, the first car to stop completely has the right-of-way. When two cars approach simultaneously and are facing one another, the vehicle turning left must yield to the vehicle arriving from the front. The car on the right has the right of way if two vehicles arrive at the same time and are parallel to one another.

#8. Keep to your lane when making a turn.

Leaving your lane at an intersection is another frequent problem. When turning right while in the right-most lane, you must stay in that lane for the whole turn. On a turn, you cannot change lanes. Accidents often result from this, especially when there are multiple turning lanes. Keep track of the lane you are in and stay there.

#9. Unless passing, stay out of the passing lane.

In certain places, it is against the law for cars to use the passing lane unless they are actually passing. However, it is still a widespread issue. Driving slowly in the passing lane is not acceptable. Everybody on the road now faces a higher danger of an accident. Yes, even if you’re over the speed limit, you shouldn’t be in the leftmost passing lane if you’re moving slower than other vehicles.

#10. Only use your brakes when necessary.

The ideal distance between you and the vehicle in front is adequate to prevent abrupt braking. You may let off the gas a bit if you need to slow down. Utilize the brakes if you need to severely slow down. Too many brakes impair the ability of vehicles following you to assess speed. Cars might not be able to tell when you’re doing heavy braking or simply coasting to regulate your pace.

#11. Put on a seatbelt.

Seatbelts are known to save lives. The perform. There is a reason why using a seatbelt when driving is mandated in all states (apart from New Hampshire). Wearing a seatbelt greatly reduces your risk of suffering life-threatening injuries or dying in a car accident. After a collision, you won’t be catapulted from the car and tossed 50 feet across the pavement; instead, you’ll only have a small seatbelt bruise. Which one would you choose?


Always avoid using your phone while driving. In most states it is against the law, and it is never a good idea. Use a hands-free or voice-to-text technology if you must speak while driving. Other than phones, several drivers lose their lives each year while changing their GPS or auto radio. Some people pass away while speaking to other people, doing cosmetics or their hair, aiding youngsters in the backseat, or performing other tasks. Numerous individuals are murdered by distracted drivers each year in the United States. Avoid becoming a statistic.

#13. Obey the speed limits

There is a purpose for speed restrictions on roads. Research suggests that the speed restrictions are safe for that road, therefore traffic professionals set them accordingly. They have determined that exceeding the posted speed limit while driving is risky. Following the speed limit greatly lowers your chance of getting into an accident. For instance, it provides you more time to stop and more time for other drivers to respond.

#14. Be Vigilant and Aware of Your Limits

Each year, driving while fatigued claims the lives of thousands of Americans. On a lengthy road journey, some passengers could be “pushing through,” attempting to reach the next destination. After working a night shift, some people are driving. Whatever the case, it’s important to drive carefully and within your boundaries. When you are sleepy or weary, avoid driving. Your response time will be slower if you are having trouble keeping your eyes open. According to studies, drivers who have been up for 18 hours straight react just as quickly as those who have 0.05 blood alcohol levels. Stop at a rest place and take a sleep. Or get a room at a hotel for the night. More affordable than an accident.

#15. Consider Conditions

Many motorists crash because they don’t adjust for the road’s conditions. The motorway may have a 70 mph speed restriction, but that speed limit is based on ideal driving circumstances. Driving at such pace might not be prudent in a snowstorm or downpour, for instance. To suit the circumstances, adjust your driving. Be prepared for road consequences caused by the weather. If you don’t feel safe operating a vehicle in the rain, snow, or ice, pull over or avoid the area altogether.

#16. Upkeep for your vehicle

Due to poor car maintenance, many drivers get up in difficulties. Accident risk can be decreased with routine vehicle maintenance. Maintain proper tire pressure, for instance. Maintain the cleanliness and functionality of your headlights and taillights, and repair any damaged lights. Regularly replace your oil and other fluids. Make sure your windshield wiper fluid is adequate. A minor maintenance problem might develop into a severe event, as would happen, for instance, if your automobile broke down while you were in the left lane of an eight-lane motorway.

#17. Take a Long-Term View of Your Vehicle

Be aware of issues before they arise. When you’re driving, pay attention to the road ahead. Don’t merely react to circumstances that are directly in front of your car. Look far in advance. Check the sides of the road for any potential crossing animals. Keep an eye out for unstable or fast drivers. Keep an eye out for any junctions that could force you to stop or any clusters of red traffic lights that might be approaching.

#18. When turning, keep your wheels straight

It’s possible that you may need to wait for oncoming traffic to clear if you are making a left turn across a busy junction. Your tires should remain pointed straight ahead in this scenario. Once you have decided to make the turn, only then should you spin your wheels. This will prevent a car from pushing you into oncoming traffic if it rear-ends you. Or, you won’t accidentally raise your foot off the brake or accelerate, preventing you from drifting into oncoming traffic.

#19. Think about your environment every 20 to 30 seconds

Many defensive driving authorities advise scanning your immediate surrounds while driving every 20 to 30 seconds. Do a shoulder check on both sides if it is safe to do so, even if you are not merging. You’ll have an excellent notion of what’s surrounding your vehicle, including which lane is safe to swerve into, in case something happens in front of your car and you need to quickly change lanes.

#20. Before entering, take a moment to circle your car.

Complete a walkaround before getting in your car and leaving. Check your car’s side, front, and back. There could be a kid or a kid’s toy there. There may be a pet there. There could be a barrier. You may have overlooked the curb in front of your car when parking. Walking around your car for a short while can greatly lower the likelihood of a terrible accident when you back out of your driveway.

#21. Pack a disaster supply kit.

Consider bringing an emergency kit if you’re traveling a long distance or during the cold. Some people always have an emergency kit in their car in case of any unforeseen circumstances. Emergency blankets, warning signs, simple auto repair tools, food rations, water, new batteries, a phone charger or fully charged phone, a road flare, and other safety equipment can all be included in that package.

#22. Correctly aim your headlights

Vehicles occasionally have headlights that aren’t aimed properly. For instance, the headlights on some modern cars are pointed lower than they need to be. Or perhaps the headlights on an antique car aren’t straight. Not only are your headlights important for your vision, but they also let other drivers know where you are on the road. Aligning headlights can be done in a body shop. Alternately, park close to your garage, turn on your headlights, and make any necessary adjustments. Aim to keep the headlights from blinding approaching motorists by keeping them from being too high.

#23. Do not stare at approaching lights.

At night, your vision decreases by 90%. If you focus on approaching headlights, your visibility will decrease even more. The gentle, dim light of your dashboard is now acclimated to your eyes. Looking at approaching headlights might momentarily make you blind. When disoriented or sleepy, some drivers also unconsciously tilt their heads toward oncoming headlights.

#24. Regularly see an optometrist

Even if you can see clearly, it won’t matter how excellent of a driver you are. You may have lived your entire life with flawless vision. To adjust your prescription or check the health of your eyes, it’s still crucial to schedule routine appointments with your optometrist. For instance, some people are shocked to learn that they should have been wearing glasses for years.

#25. Use high beams as necessary.

High lights are frequently mishandled by drivers. For open highways or rural areas at night, high beams are appropriate. They increase your field of vision, lowering your risk of being startled by an animal, a turn, or a barrier. Always lower your high lights when driving behind another car or when a car is coming from the other direction.

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