How to Obscure Your Site’s Login Page Without a Plugin

Obscure Your Site’s Login Page

One of the most persuasive Content Management Systems is WordPress. Hackers, on the other hand, frequently target WordPress. The default login page can be seen by anyone. Simply add ‘wp-admin’ or ‘wps hide login’ to the wps hide login forgot url to do this. Typically, attackers employ a variety of methods to target your website. A brute force attack is one of their favourite things to do. During this procedure, hackers attempt to get access to your site by guessing the login password. As a result, in order to protect your site from hackers, you must modify the login URL.

What are the benefits of using a custom login URL in WordPress?

In fact, the default login URL for WordPress is /wp-login.php. You can then type in / change wordpress admin login url plugin/.As a result, you’ll become logging. By going to wp-admin or wp-login.php, you can access the default login page.

Tell me one thing now. change your wordpress login page editing your htaccess file undertake to gain access to your website? Only your username and password are required by the hacker. A hacker needs to know where your login form is in order to hack your site.

In wordfence change login url, you can create your own login URL get rid of Obscure Your Site’s Login Page. The WordPress default login, on the other hand, is the same on every website.Furthermore, you can quickly determine whether the site is a WordPress site or not. All you have to do is look through the sources provided.

Then you may keep an eye on files like /wp-content/themes/function.php or /wp-content/plugins/ or similar.
If I recognise your site as a WordPress site, I’ll eventually figure out that your login URL is /wp-login.php.

When it comes to usernames, WordPress creates an admin username by default. Your login URL will be captured as a result of this. Also, most likely, your login username (admin). It will then attempt to guess your password.

Passwords, on the other hand, are never easy to figure out. They will, however, attempt to access your site using HTTP requests. On your site, a brute force assault is used to guess your password.


A brute-force attack is a hacking technique. A hacker attempts a large number of passwords before guessing the correct one. As a result, the hacker will investigate all options. Until the right password appears, you’ll have to rely on passwords and passphrases.
In actuality, it’s a software-assisted brute force attack. In less than a second, it attempts over 10,000 passwords!
As a result, the attacker may be aware of your password.

Option A:

Changing the wp-admin URL without the use of a plugin. The procedure of generating the WordPress Login URL without the use of a plugin is really straightforward. My advise is that you keep a backup of wp-login.php at first.
You must also save it in a secure manner.

Second, upload it to the files of your website. You’ll also need to utilise a text editor. In this scenario, I’m using Sublime Text. Finally, create a unique login UR for yourself. newlogin.php, for example. Then go to your public html directory and look around. You’ll find wp-login.php there. Use FTP client software or the cPanel File Manager to get started.

Simply write down the file’s name as your login URL once everything is completed.I named the file newlogin.php as a result of this. Finally, you should look over newlogin.php. In the file, you’ll find wp-login.php. In this example, replace the file name with the one you created in newlogin.php.When everything appears to be in order, hover your cursor over “Replace All.”

Then 12 instances were replaced in text editing. After it’s finished, you can log in using your new URL. It was Change wordpress login url without plugin for me. Any HTTP requests to the /wp-login.php or /wp-admin directories may result in a 404 error page for visitors. When the case isn’t right, you don’t have to think too much, which is a mistake. Because there is still a backup file.

All you have to do now is replace the file in the original directory. As a  result, everything will be the same as it was before. As you may be aware, the post explains how to create login page in wordpress without plugin without the use of a plugin. Hopefully, you were able to comprehend the entire procedure. However, if you encounter any difficulties, please do not hesitate to leave a comment. I’ll come right back to you to fix all of your problems Obscure Your Site’s Login Page.

Why Should You Use a Plugin to Hide Your Login Page?

When is it OK to install a plugin to hide your site’s login page? Almost all of the time. There are several compelling reasons why you should simply use a plugin to mask your login URL. While manually adding a new login path won’t cause you any problems in the future, it’s preferable not to alter the core.

Plugins that contain code from Obscure Your Site’s Login Page may cause compatibility difficulties. Even if it is enjoyable, unexpected events may occur. Excessive tinkering with the core can significantly muck things up. Aside from that, there are a slew of free plugins that can perform the work for you.

When it comes to.htaccess, there are a plethora of ways you may utilize it to hide your login Obscure Your Site’s Login Page. Again, ease comes at a cost of complexity. Misuse of rewrite rules can also chew up memory on your server, causing your site to slow down.
Redirects can also cause issues with AJAX, which is heavily used by WordPress.

Using PHP is the best technique to update your login page Obscure Your Site’s Login Page. If you’re going to use PHP with WordPress, the recommended practise is to use a plugin. You may download several excellent plugins for free, or you can write your own.


The WordPress login page is the portal via which you gain access to your website. You are simply a site visitor if you are unable to log in successfully. That is why you should learn how to get to this important page so that you don’t lose time logging in to your WordPress site. Do you want to beef up your security a little? Replace the default WordPress login URL with a personalised one of your choosing, and only share that URL with individuals you trust!

Check Also : How to force a public Wi-Fi network login page to open

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