Google Ads: How To Advertise On Google


No other search engine in the digital world operates quite like Google. They actually outperform the competition in terms of search engines by enormous percentages. Therefore, as a business owner, being able to advertise on Google may undoubtedly be advantageous. Since Google Ads ensures that you will appear at the top of the search engine results page (SERP). It might raise the bar for your search engine marketing (SEM).

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Are you prepared to understand how to advertise on Google, why it works, and some useful advice on how to promote successfully? Read on!

How Google Ads Work?

The creation of a Google Ads account is free. You establish a monthly budget (known as a limit) for running your Google ads based on your company’s demands. Pay-per-click advertising, or PPC, only charges you when a searcher clicks on your ad. All of this is done directly through Google, and you may start and stop an advertisement whenever you wish.

On any Google search, the Google advertisements appear first. They mimic a first result and show up at the top of a SERP.

how to advertise on google

If you are familiar with search engine optimization (SEO), you are aware that appearing as the first result on Google’s first page might take weeks or even months. But you may get to that desired top page more quickly and simply with a Google ad.

You may pay to have your website or product appear at the top of the results list with Google Ads. It’s important to keep in mind that this result is connected to certain google searches and phrases. This implies that you will only be displayed to searchers who are specifically seeking for information about your company, product, or service.

For instance, your Google Ad website will probably show up as the top result if you are a plumber in New Jersey and someone searches for “best plumber New Jersey.” On the other hand, you wouldn’t come up in a search for “best plumber New Hampshire.”

When your rivals also have a Google Ads campaign, an issue occurs. To decide who wins, you may engage in a bidding contest. You’ll learn how to rank as Google’s top overall ad for your term in a subsequent section.

Benefits Of Google Ads

When it comes to Google advertisements (google Ads), there are several advantages. Let’s look at a few of them.

Fast Results

Your website will be pushed to the top of the list right away once you purchase the advertisement. When searching for outcomes, there is nothing quicker than this.

When searching on Google, the great majority of consumers just glance at the first page of results. This explains why the approach is so effective.

Capabilities For Retargeting

Sending an advertisement (google ads) to a person who visited your website but made no purchase is known as retargeting. You may target these people and re-display your webpage to them using Google Ads. Considering that the searcher is already familiar with your brand and website, your click-through rate (CTR) will rise.

Measurable Results

Google Ads’ ability to track outcomes is one of its strongest features. You can see which keywords had the best results, how many people clicked on the ad before buying something, and who clicked it first. In other words, you’ll have a collection of information that has all the information you require. Additionally, you may utilize this information to polish your advertisement and make it ideal.
Additionally, you will know for sure why the campaign succeeded or failed.

Beat Your Competition

Simply said, Google Ads provide you the chance to outperform your rivals. You’ll get more visitors to view your name and website before your rivals as you’ll be listed above their site.
Similar to this, you may set up automatic bidding using Google Ads to guarantee that your result always appears above your rival’s.

Drive Traffic To Your Site

You’ll probably receive more visitors to your website because you’ll rank so high in the search results. Additionally, you’ll obtain targeted visitors to your website because the advertisement is targeting particular terms or areas.
Your website will start organically ranking higher on Google as more people visit it. Additionally, the items and services you offer on your website will increase your revenue.

Better Brand Awareness

Brand recognition can also result from Google Ads. Having a Google Ad ensures that at the very least, Google users will see your name. People searching for certain topics are now aware of your brand, even if they don’t click your advertisement or make a purchase on your website.
To ensure that only the proper individuals see them, Google Ads are targeted. That implies that only potential clients will become aware of your brand. That’s fantastic news because Google is the most popular search engine worldwide.

The Price Of Google Ads

If you’re considering launching a Google Ads campaign, it’s critical to understand the cost involved. A variety of variables affect how much a Google advertisement costs.

  • Keyword. The price depends on the keyword you select. For some terms, Google Ads will cost you a lot more money. The most costly keyword on Google Ads right now is “insurance,” which will set you back $54.91 per hit.
  • Content. The quality of the content of your website is another unnoticed factor that affects how much your advertisement will cost. Google will check your website’s readability and several SEO characteristics. You will pay less for the advertisement if your website performs well based on these indicators.

This implies that you may create a compelling page and hence pay a lot less to go up the Google search results page.

  • Minimum Charge. The least you’ll have to spend on Google Ads is five cents for the minimum bid per click. You should budget between one and two US dollars on average.

Types Of Google Ads


The good thing is that you have a wide variety of Google Ads to pick from. Different forms of adverts tend to be preferred by various businesses and sectors. Find out which option is best for you.

Search Campaign

search campaign

What keyword is searched determines the focus of a search campaign. This is the most prevalent kind of Google Ads campaign, and it receives the majority of user attention.
The search campaign advertisement will appear ahead of the organic results. With regard to whatever the user is searching for, it will appear to be a typical result. The only difference between this result and a typical result is some wording next to it that reads “Ad.”
Your selected website or landing page will be the direct link in the advertisement.

App Campaign

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Users’ interactions with various mobile applications will reveal an app campaign. For each app you wish to be on, you don’t need to create a unique advertisement. For the marketing, all you need to do is supply text and photographs; Google will take care of the formatting.
Google frequently use an algorithm that blends various images and text that you submit them. They will evaluate the outcomes and focus on the most effective combination.

The many app advertisements that appear are certainly familiar to you if you’ve ever used a free app.
The majority of applications have sizable user bases among certain demographics. That implies that this approach is effective in attracting a specific demographic.

Shopping Campaign

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The search ad on steroids is what a shopping campaign is like. In this scenario, your product rather than your website or page will be advertised.
When consumers look for a product to purchase, yours will be the top suggestion. This is true regardless of whether a person searches Google’s “all” results or only “shopping” results.
To check this, search for “computer for sale” on Google to discover the shopping campaigns that various businesses are utilizing. These advertisements will provide a direct link to the item, enabling the searcher to make a purchase right away.

Video Campaign

video campaign

A video campaign is just what the name implies—a video. Since Google controls YouTube, the majority of these advertisements will appear there.
Every time you watch a viral video, an advertisement usually appears at the start. There are several that are 15 seconds or longer that you cannot skip.
You may occasionally encounter an advertisement in the same really specialized after seeing a very particular YouTube video. This is not a coincidence. Businesses may pick and choose which types of films to base their advertisements on. As an alternative, they might launch a generic campaign that appears on arbitrary videos.
Through Google Ads, you may also have your video appear as the top result. This is perfect for businesses who want to advertise their film rather than create a commercial.
Last but not least, YouTube advertising is a different beast that may be launched via Google Ads.

 Online Display Campaign

dispalya ads

An online display campaign will appear on several websites. The phrase “display campaign” is a catch-all phrase that can be used to refer to video, app, and other promotions.
Many website owners will sell Google their unused space in exchange for advertising. This indicates that Google has a sizable database of several websites where your business or product might be advertised. This includes Gmail inboxes, arbitrary websites, and even applications.

10 Steps Of How To Advertise On Google Ads

It’s worth going through the procedure now that you are familiar with the fundamentals of Google Ads. You will learn all the details of Google advertising in this area. This is the time-tested approach that has been successful for many small enterprises.

#1. Log In And Create A New Campaign

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Your Google Ads dashboard can like this if you don’t currently have any campaigns. In such scenario, simply click “New Campaign” in the screen’s middle.

Logging into your Google Ads Manager account is the first step. Now is the moment to create one if you don’t already have one. Registration is quite simple and takes hardly any time at all.

google ads
Log in as soon as you have an account. There is a tab labeled “Campaigns” on the left menu. After clicking this, choose “New Campaign” from the menu that appears, or press the + button that appears.

 #2. Choose The Goals And Types

Your goals will be the first question the software asks you. No, Google is not requesting information on your career goals. It wants to know what you consider to be this advertising campaign’s success. You have a range of options, including leads, sales, website traffic, app promotion, brand consideration, and brand recognition. If you don’t already have a goal, you can set one up on your own without any direction.

You will be asked what kind of advertisement you wish to run after selecting a target. Understanding the various ad types will be useful in this situation.

You may pick from display, search, apps, videos, shopping, and smart options on Google. What they refer to as “smart” is the same as a previous “display campaign.” When you choose that, Google will ask you a few questions to help it better understand your objectives. For instance, if one of your metrics is the volume of phone calls you receive, you could be asked to enter your phone number.

#3. Pick A Name And Network

You’ll be prompted for a campaign name and network on the next screen. If you’re running numerous advertisements, the name is only a means for you to keep track of them without sharing them with anybody. When Google Ads produces a campaign name for you, it will automatically default to your objective and ad type.

You may choose a search or show network from the network. Both options include additional details on this screen, but you already know about these kinds of campaigns because you learnt about them before. You can move on to the following step after entering this data.

#4. Pick The Audience

Your audience is the subject of the next page. You’ll be prompted to decide which nations to target, who to include in your campaign, and who to leave out. Here, you may be really exact and even target particular zip codes.

You will receive information on the number of users or searchers in each of these areas as you enter information. You might find this useful while making decisions.

Instead of targeting a list of individual places, you may target a radius around a certain spot if you wish to be more generic.

You may choose the consumer languages you wish to target on this screen as well. You should only search for English-speaking consumers if your advertisement is in English.

The population you’re targeting is the last phase. This adds one more level of filtering to make sure that only the proper individuals see your advertisement. People can be targeted depending on a variety of factors, including their age, whether they have children, their marital status, if they own a property, and their level of education, to mention a few. There are a ton of settings, so you may be really exact here.

#5. Determine Your Budget

As was already said, there are several factors that affect how much Google Ads cost. You can fill in some of the details and establish your budget at this phase. You’ll enter figures that serve as the minimum and maximum sums of money you wish to spend for this advertising campaign on any particular day.

There are several bid tactics from which you may select. Selecting discussions, conversion value, clicks, or impression share are all options. The advised tactic is conversions.

#6. Make Ad Extensions

There will be lines of text beneath your advertisements that describe your website or product. These are known as ad extensions.

You may enter some further details about your advertisement in this box. Site link, call, and callout extensions are all possible. According to Google, by completing this part, your clickthrough rates will increase by up to 15%.

#7. Choose Groups And Keywords

You’ll be able to group the key phrases relating to your advertisement in this section. You may put together several keywords and phrases that you wish to appear for by creating an ad group. In other words, your advertisement will show up when visitors search for these terms.

Each ad group will aim to promote a different aspect of your company. There will be several lists of words and phrases in each group, in turn. For instance, a plumber can have separate groups for home services and emergency plumbing services. There will be comparable search terms for either category.

In case you weren’t aware, you anticipate your potential customers to search for certain words and phrases. The example plumber may use keywords like “cheap plumber near me” or “emergency plumbing in Daytona.”

You may choose whether you want precise, wide, or phrase matches within these keywords and phrases. This specifies how narrow or broad the search term should be to display your ad.

#8. Write The Ads

google ads

It’s now time to draft the advertisement. You are effectively guided through this process by Google Ads, which also provides you with a helpful preview so you can see what the finished result will look like. If you want further help with this stage, you may make advantage of the excellent free Google Ads tool provided by Constant Contact.

The sections for headers, descriptions, the URL route, and a few other URL options will all be included. On this screen, there are assistance bubbles that provide extensive information about how to fill in the blanks if you ever get lost.

There are character restrictions in each part, so this advertisement must be concise. Read on for assistance if you need it.

#9. Launch It

It’s appropriate to start the campaign when you feel confident in what you’ve accomplished so far. You’ll be sent to a screen with a “proceed to campaign” button that displays some of the data you entered for the advertising campaign.

Examine this information and make any necessary changes. Press the button when you’re prepared to celebrate. You recently started a Google Ads campaign!

#10. Keep Checking And Optimizing

Simply said, Step 9 marks the commencement of your advertising campaign. Following its debut, you must regularly monitor it and refine the campaign. Uncertain about how to proceed? You’re in the correct spot.

Review The General Performance

There are broad components of the puzzle that you may examine in addition to the technical quality score. These are a handful of the major figures:


Impression counts are just the number of times a user has seen your advertisement. You will contrast the other numbers using this overall sum.

You could not be bidding enough to appear on Google’s first page if your impressions are really low. Alternately, a particularly low quality score might also be the reason for this.

Click – Through Rate

Your advertisement’s click-through rate is shown as a decimal or percentage. It is determined by dividing the total number of clicks on your advertisement by the quantity of impressions.

You should go back to the drawing board and alter your ad if your CTR is less than 1%. Your industry and market will determine the value of a “good” CTR.

Average Cost Per Click

The price you spent for an ad is divided by the number of hits you received to determine your cost per click (CPC).

Your CPC is 10 cents per click, or $0.10, if you paid $10 for an advertisement to run for one day and got 100 clicks that day.

Conversion Rate

The number that will make it evident how well your ad is doing is the conversion rate. It shows the number of individuals that clicked on your advertisement and took the action you’re tracking. An example of a conversion would be if someone clicked on your advertisement and then sent you an email.

The conversion rate and your CTR should be compared. If a lot of people are clicking on your advertisement but few of them are converting, your landing page has to be fixed.

How Does Google Decide Which Ad Goes On Top?

Running a Google Ad campaign requires you to be aware of the criteria Google use to select the top ad.

Your Bid

Paying is the shortest route to the top. A number of marketers on Google are putting in bids of a particular amount to get their ads displayed. You will move up the list if you pay more for your advertisement. In the already described step five, this was further explained.

Your Quality Score

Your quality score is made up of several distinct components, as you well know. The overall rating is given a value of 10. Your ad will appear higher on the list as you approach closer to a score of ten. The top result will be you if your bid is the highest and your quality score is the highest.
Additionally, Google uses the quality score to guarantee that only pertinent ads are displayed to users when they conduct keyword searches. It would be absurd for a person looking for a computer firm to find someone’s locksmith business.

Your Landing Page

Finally, your ad campaign’s landing page has the power to succeed or fail. Making sure the landing pages are pertinent, of high quality, and provide a positive visitor experience is important to Google. The actual content must match the ad keywords. You’ll start dropping down Google’s list of advertisements if your landing page has nothing to do with the keyword for your ad.
You can utilize several landing pages for various ad groupings. For instance, an advertisement for “computer repairs” may lead to a landing page devoted only to such services. A “computer parts” ad group, meanwhile, can direct the viewer to a website that details the components the business sells.


Calculating Your Ad Rank

Your overall ad position will be determined by your ad rank. Multiplying your maximum bid by the quality score numerator is the straightforward formula. Your ad rank is 7.50 if your bid is $2.50 and your quality score is 3/10. Your competitors will rank higher than you if their ads are ranked higher.
Someone else’s ad rank is 11.25 if their bid is $2.25 and their quality score is 5/10. They’ll have the top ad spot, and you’ll have the second one (assuming no one else is in this race).

Start Now

So, now that you are knowledgeable about Google advertising, use these straightforward suggestions to outperform your rivals. Starting with Google Ads is simple and cost-free. To obtain the best results from an advertisement after it is running, don’t forget to continually monitor and improve it. And if you’re unsure, the Google Ads tool from Constant Contact might be useful. Visit it right now.



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